Susie herself has spent hours in the colour sheds in India with the local colour masters, and Becca didn’t hesitate to follow in her footsteps. When the process begins, it’s referred to as a ‘mind’ colour, which means we have to get it into the physical form!
Nothing can happen until these colours are finalised, and they have to be produced time and time again as further printing takes place.
You can see from the images below, the bolt which secures the screens so there is no movement whilst the layering process is happening.
The straight side of the screen is the edge of the fabric. The wavy edge is where the next screen merges onto the first, with a skilful hand it is invisible to us, quite amazing!
A chemical process stops any colour appearing on the fabric where it is not required.
At last some progress being made!
Exactly the same process can happen for cushions with mini screens being made for the new designs being trialled.
When this colour and print process has been perfected, the fabric is then dried and rolled for delivery or given to Mr Ravis team to make up in to the range of textile accessories Susie has designed.
The next time you pick up one of our beautiful textile products consider the work, ingenuity and skill needed, before it makes it’s way to you!